The Group Stealth Issue
Well, this didn't go as planned. I had expected to have an internet connection in my new place within a week after moving in, but then the technician from the provider saw that for the connection type I ordered they would have to replace some ancient hardware on the building's cabling. A week after that they still did not have a date for the upgrade, and couldn't even tell me yet when they would do the scheduling for the upgrade with the landlord. So I did make use of my 14-day annulment right and made a contract with a different ISP that was able to set me up with a temporary mobile network connection within two days. But this was data limited and it took another two weeks to finally have the landline up and running. But now I'm fully back in business, one month later than planned. And long after my summer break had ended. But I do have two half-day workdays every week now, so that's something. I've not been doing any Blender practice for the last month and only a little work on game concept designs, but I do now have some new thoughts about implementing stealth…
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